华禧联合科技,一家专业从事创新药物研究及药品生产技术开发、规程制订、技术转移与药政注册的研发企业,短短7年时间,凭借技术力量和商业信誉迅速崛起,目前在中国建有创新实验室、GMP中试临床样品加工基地以及原料药、制剂药品生产企业,并在全球多家城市设有合作机构。\n 集团成员:华禧创新 华禧联合实验室(中试基地) 华禧CRO 山东华禧药业 虹湾医药网\n 华禧联合科技致力于在中国构建研发主导型现代医药企业集团,持续推动中国医药技术市场创新,诚聘业内精英及商界领袖加盟。\nHuaxipharm Co., Ltd is an emerging, research-based pharmaceutical company headquartered at Beijing, in the capital of China. The company, run by a professionally qualified and capable management, is focused on the discovery, development and marketing of medicine, active pharmaceutical ingredients, API and the related CRO services in China as well as globally.\nHuaxipharm has established a large pharmaceutical research centre, which houses laboratories for natural products, medicinal-synthetic chemistry, process and scale-up chemistry and pharmaceutical R&D (formulations based on conventional and novel drug delivery systems). With the equipped advanced instruments, samples can be analyzed and characterized for structure and purity quickly, as which provides good guarantee for Huaxipharm’s R&D Activities.\n总部地址:北京市昌平区生命科学园路29号创新大厦A212\n研究基地:北京市昌平区马池口镇\n公司网站:\n联 系 人:祝先生